#10- Seattle Mariners
Losing Chris Tillman means very little here. RHP Phillippe Aumont needs some time to work it out in America, but OF Wladimier Balentien and his power bat should start in 2008. SS Carlos Trunfiel has become an instant favorite, as he makes solid contact and plays well for a guy born less than 24 months before me. C Jeff Clement has a good bat for a catcher.
在 Bedard 交易失去這麼多新秀後,水手還能排在前十名的確蠻意外的。水手農場一直在投手養成上不是很順利,除了 King Felix 這種不世出的天才外,近幾年沒有養成一個成功的SP,很多在十大新秀出現的名字過幾年都默默消失了。養好的野手則是常常因為沒位置,被換去別隊發光發熱。還好 Clement 和 Balentien 都已經得到機會了,希望他們好好把握。